Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Marigold: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Parker Neugebauer (2021)

This painting symbolizes looking back at happier times and at youth. The wilting flower shows that fragility of the memory and how it slowly fades over time, though its vibrancy in contrast with the rest of the piece’s monochrome cool color palette also highlights a gloom of present day. The penciling of the hand gives the shape a more concrete feel, tying it to the present, while the rest is blurred like a memory.

The medium of watercolor has always been a beautiful thing to me in how smooth and free-flowing it is as well as how bright and vibrant it can be. I also particularly like the edges of watercolor stroked and how they can either be clear and well-defined, or they can be blurry and loose.

In comparison with the Pastel Painting, I thought that the watercolor medium felt more freeing. I’ve always wanted to get better at watercolor painting, but I always struggled with analog because of all of the variables in regards to water on the paper, and in the brush, the amount of pigment, the way the colors bleed together and lay on top of each other. Digital watercolor removed a lot of these variables and made it easier for me to focus on getting the effects I wanted and expressing what I wanted to express. Related website
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