Freestyle Academy proudly presents

A Night Drive: A Senior Digital Pastel Painting by Reed Keenan (2021)

I had a challenging yet fun and enjoyable experience creating a Photoshop Pastel Painting. I’m really glad we got the chance to do these projects. As much as I call myself an “artist” drawing has never been one of my expertises, especially digitally painting something, I’ve never done that. It was really helpful to paint on top of the photo I was basing it off. If I were to do it completely free-hand it would’ve been a lot more problematic. I especially liked this project but it wasn’t easy at all, it really challenged me, so I enjoyed that.

Knowing how to paint in Photoshop is one of those skills that not a lot of people have. It’s also a fair amount of fun as well. I think just like all of the Freestyle Academy projects where I’ve learned new software applications, it’s really preparing me for future endeavors, experimentation, and artistic pieces. I also really valued the challenge. I tend to find projects most interesting when it really causes me to think and put a lot of thought and effort into it.

To be honest, I learned that I have a lot of improvement to make as a digital artist. Mr. Florendo pointed out that it takes a lot of practice to get to a solid point as a digital artist and now, after doing it myself, I certainly agree. You always have to start somewhere though and I think my pastel painting of my gas station didn’t turn out too bad. I think it turned out a lot better than I thought it would, that’s a plus. Excited to try out more digital painting in the near future and see where I can go with it! Related website
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