Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Visually Amusing: A Senior Photo Conversions to Watercolor Paintings Set by Reed Keenan (2021)

For all three of my productions, when I selected them, they were very visually pleasing, and aesthetically beautiful to me. For the first production, there is a beautiful sunset surrounding a lake and beautiful mountain ranges. Personally, it reminded me of one photo I took a couple of summers ago in Wyoming. My dad lived in Wyoming for a couple years and it’s one of the most beautiful places on the planet. So it holds a special place in my heart as I don’t see him as often. In the second production, there is a hot air balloon. I’ve always had an odd obsession with hot air balloons. Especially just alone in the sky surrounded by blue sky, just like the one I did the water color effect on. I think if I were to skydive I would want to do it off a hot air balloon rather than out of a plane, I feel like it’d be much cooler, in my opinion. And for my final production, I really loved the idea of a guitar shaped island and the perspective, bird’s eye view, the image is taken from. There is no super deep meaning beyond the fact that music is extremely important to me and at the time I was choosing what to do for my third production, I was listening to a guitar heavy song.

I love it. I’ve mentioned in past artist statements that even though I’m not particularly great at painting by hand, there’s just something so special and unique about it compared to digital watercolor painting. But now, after doing the water color effect and even using the textured paper to give it even more of a watercolor look, my mind has changed a little bit. My generation and future generations are super lucky with the various tools and technology we are being exposed to and we should most definitely take advantage of them. We’re super lucky to be learning about all of this.

Taking photos is one of my greatest passions. Most of the time, right after I take a photo, I go straight to editing it. I have very specific color and aesthetic preferences. And I think the water color effect could be a super cool effect I could do for some photos I take. And now that I know how to do it and it doesn’t take too long, it could be a fun and really cool look on some of my photos. Related website
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