Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Punisher Album Art: A Senior Digital Pastel Painting by Stella Barretto (2021)

I found it slightly difficult to paint in Photoshop. Since I mainly see it as an editing software, it was interesting to use it for a different sort of media. As I worked on this, I found painting it Photoshop to be relaxing (I especially appreciated the eyedropper tool). I also liked the brush I used in this project: Kyle’s Ultimate Pastel Palooza. That combined with the use of the Wacom Tablet simulated traditional painting. I liked using a textured brush as it added more interest to the painting and enabled me to paint more expressively whilst maintaining the texture of the piece.

In creating this piece, I valued the time to relax and paint. It was meditative to match all of the textures and colors. It was also relaxing to paint directly on top of the image –– something that is much harder to do with traditional mediums.

Something I learned about myself in creating this piece is that I am very reliant on the command Z key command. On top of this, I learned that digital art is more forgiving which allows me to experiment and try different things before settling on an approach. Related website
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