Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Des(s)ert: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Tori Florian (2021)

You drag your feet through the tough tan hot dirt. In the horizon you see a huge staggered wall, no snow, just the bareness of the earth. As you take another step, you notice it’s not the crunch you’re used to. Instead, you stepped on the stem of a flower. A pretty little pink headed flower, out in the middle of nowhere. You assumed that if it had a personality it would be really sweet. To have survived the harsh weather and still look pretty.

As our second project in our Narrative Unit for Digital Media, we learned how to watercolor on Photoshop. With this, we were also given articles to read about/on watercoloring. They talked about why it was important, how to improve and just why watercolor out of all the mediums. One thing I connected with was in one of the articles “What makes watercolor painting special?”, Angela Fehr talked about if she considered herself an artist when she started painting. And she had thought that she wasn’t good enough to be one, but looking back at it now she thinks that if you believe that you’re making art, you’re an artist. And it stood out to me because I too struggle with that question, because I don’t think my art is good enough to sell but at the same time I do consider it art so I’m an artist.

What I value about creating watercolor painting versus pastel is that theres much more options in brushes. And these bruges come with different ways the water spreads throughout the paper. In other words, I like the way colors blend together. Now thinking of digital vs. physical, I think that digital definitely has an advantage of limitless utilities, but it has the disadvantage of not being able to touch your art or what you’re working with. Related website
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