Freestyle Academy proudly presents

(Small) Emperor Moth: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Valorie Spade (2021)

This painting is a study of the small emperor moth, which is what my character in animation class is designed after. I liked the colors and textures of this moth, and it inspired me to design a character, so I thought it would be appropriate to draw the real thing for this assignment.

I believe that watercolor is a truly versatile and beautiful medium that can produce unique results. The more you master it, the more control you gain over the colors and strokes you place on your canvas. This leads to pieces that can convey emotions and stories in new ways. Watercolor has many unique qualities that sets it apart from other mediums, but my favorite is the element of transparency, which is something you can only really achieve with watercolors.

This assignment was a bit difficult, as all of the watercolor techniques I knew did not apply to the digital counterpart, and I had to learn a completely new-feeling medium. I feel that this technique has a lot of potential, and I have been inspired to continue practicing so that I can produce results similar to my traditional watercolor paintings. Related website
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