Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The baylands: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Vinh Le (2021)

The story behind my painting is based upon the setting in palo alto bay lands. Around 2014, I used to go out with my sister and my dog to visit palo alto bay lands. there is this one spot in particular that we used to go to a lot and it was this grassy plain land with a single tree. unfortunately the spot slowly deteriorated over time and the tree is now gone.

For my painting, one of the more meaningful connections that i had with this project would be paintings that hold memories. For me, this painting in particular held a memory that lasted over 7 years, and i can visualize the scene in my head as the memories begin to form again. the other meaningful connection i had with this painting is that i tried to portray the feeling i had when i went here through the use of colors.

The thing i valued the most when it came to this painting was the use of layering and texture. i feel like what people don't understand the most when it comes to making a good painting, is the amount of layers and textures you add in order to give out a sense of realism. despite this painting not being the “ best painting” ever, i still enjoyed the time doing it and the learning how to layer different colors and strokes together. Related website
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