Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The squid man: A Senior Photo Conversions to Watercolor Paintings Set by Vinh Le (2021)

The reason why i chose my subject for the photo shop effect was because the subject is one of my favorite characters, from the show squid game. I decided to use a person as my subject is because i thought the skin texture and color would compliment the effect to its full ability

in my opinion, i think this a very fast way to produce work for clients, but i also feel like it takes the experience aspect away when it comes to art. When we create something, we feel a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction after working hard on a project. this however, there is less satisfaction when it comes to creating these types of art

I might use this technique to recreate family photos or friend photos as paintings. i then would use these images to hang the paintings up in my room. another way i can use theis technique is if i need to make a painting of a image but i don't have enough time to create it. Related website
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