
This week’s category is Inspiration and the topic was music. Music is a huge part of my life and I believe that life would be very boring without it. Nearly every second that I am awake, I have my earbuds in listening to all kinds of music, connecting with different cultures. When I was young,… Continue reading Musical


This week’s category was Composition and the topic was having a change in viewpoint. Growing up and even now, I have been on the taller side in the community and I would always wonder what life would be like if I was shorter. This photo is a low shot of a pillar with vines and… Continue reading Viewpoint

Categorized as Composition

Film Noir

This week’s category was Story Telling and the topic was to film noir. Film noir is a dark mood in cinema. To best capture film noir in a photo, I chose to make the photo black and white to emphasize the dark feeling. Since this topic is typically used in cinema to describe crime drama,… Continue reading Film Noir


This week’s category was inspiration and the topic was “work”. As a film student, my future plans are to become a director. My step-by-step plan to progressively achieve my goal is to film content and continue working on my creative vision. This picture was from a film set when I was shooting my application videos… Continue reading Work

Color Theory

This week’s topic was Composition and our task was to capture an image that looks like it is a still from a movie. Movies are cinematic and can have very dramatic colors that help enhance the emotions of the characters and viewers. In films, there are color grades that give movies a special feeling and… Continue reading Color Theory


This week’s topic was Story Telling and showing the weather. After basketball practice, I would always look up and see all the different colors in the sky. I am grateful to live in California as there is always good weather and beautiful clouds at any time of the day.

Color without Color

This week’s topic was storytelling without color. I took an image of the courtyard in my apartment complex showing a paisley-like shape leaf in front of the different apartment units and water fountain. This was the place that I always went to during my free time, and this was the place that I grew up… Continue reading Color without Color


This week’s challenge was to capture something that you are grateful for. I took this picture of a flower and showed the bright color of what nature produces. Nature is something that I will forever be grateful for because it makes me feel connected with mother earth and others. I am thankful for the wilderness… Continue reading Gratitude

Rule of Thirds Emotion

This week’s category was composition and the topic was the rule of thirds emotion. I used the rule of thirds and field of depth to help focus on the flowers to show the beauty of nature. With all of the global issues that harm the environment, such as global warming, deforestation, overpopulation, and many more,… Continue reading Rule of Thirds Emotion

Fill the Frame

This week’s challenge was composition, and the topic was to fill up the camera frame. As a kid, I have always had a massive fascination with nature. Nature is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and I was able to capture a moment of a bug sitting on a pretty flower.