

The conceptual project is about taking what you know about art and flipping it like a pancake. We’re talking about a new recipe. We’re like chefs in a kitchen and we’re making our own menu, given the cooking utensils of DSLR cameras and tascam recorders. Then we whip it up with Adobe products, pro tools, WordPress (hint hint), and Google apps.

Creating things is awesome, and watching things come together. It’s even better that I get to share this love in a class of likeminded people, who also like to create stuff. Art will keep us loonies sane, probably.


The haiku prompt was: “Experiencing relief by listening to music”. The video is basically the deep frier inside the boiler room. If you squint your ears(?), the ticking sounds like a metronome. That’s the backbone of music, right? And don’t you just love when your dinosaur chicken nuggets are done? That ding sound is like the relief you experience listening to music.

I’ll be honest: I don’t have the behind the scenes photo on this because it was done in a different program than Adobe Premiere. In the future, I will make sure to focus more on using Adobe because I really should get more comfortable with it.

“Why art?” essay

The Why Art essay was essentially choosing from a set of articles from people involved in art. Then, we were prompted to include an artist of our own choosing, as long as it was before y2k. Basically, we had to connect the artist and the article together and explain “why art matters”.

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