Holiday Balance

This photo is rather strange. Earlier this month, after setting up the nativity scene we do every year, I snuck a model DeLorean Time Machine into the diorama, in reference to Back to the Future. It made for an interesting contrast when photographed, having the traditional Christmas scene interrupted by a steel time machine.

Leading Lines

Here you see our piano, photographed with a wide aperture so that the lines of the keys melt into a sort of linear black and white blur. While I think the shallow depth of field looks good, had I done this assignment again, I would have had more of the piano in focus to emphasize the receding lines more.

Symmetry Landscape

I took this photo after tech crew rehearsals. My brother and I were walking across the field to go watch the football game while waiting to be picked up, and I took the opportunity to take this wonderfully symmetrical shot!

Rule of Thirds Motion

1/13 – f4.5 – 3200

This photo includes a LEGO model DeLorean moving at speed through a street. The background is out of focus and the car is blurred as it moves, creating the appearance of speeding by in an instant. The center car is kept aligned with the right third line to give it nose room.