Deadly Sins (Sloth)

1/80 – f6.3 – 800

I decided to go a little meta with this one and represent my chosen sin, “sloth” with my lack of progress made on my photo blog assignments up to this point, showing a list of shots I needed to do crumpled into an overfull garbage bucket.

Film Noir

1/50 – f4.0 – 800

This shot was taken during pick-up shooting for my narrative film, which is already in the film noir style. Thanks to this, I was able to use the lights and one of the main props: an antique and ornate revolver. This was taken on the brick floor of an alleyway downtown.

Long Shutter Speed Exposure

15 – f32 – 100

This shot is probably the one for which I took the most takes, though I ended up being happiest with the second or third. I sat with my tripod low down on the side of the road and went fishing for angles I liked as the cars passed. I particularly enjoy how the long exposure captures not just the streaks from the cars’ headlights, but the light cast from them onto the street and other objects.


1/5848 – f1.6 – ISO50

These flowers that grow in our front garden have always been my favorite, and love the way they match the purple flowers on the left and their light, frilly edges. I featured them in my experimental film in the beginning of the year.


1/2899 – f1.6 – ISO50

Our neighbors are currently in the process of moving out, and soon somebody new will move in to take their place. I took this opportunity to capture the in-between moments, when the new owner is unknown, a stranger.


1/309 – f1.6 1 – ISO50

To depict age, I chose to photograph the worn surface of an old desk we have, in extreme close-up, to show the scuffs and scrapes from years of use.


This photo is of the shadow of a set of chimes we have hanging on our front door. This shot was far more difficult to to get than I thought, as I had to block out the ambient light and hold my phone’s flashlight from above, while still balancing and keeping the camera steady. I think it turned out alright.


This photo was taken after we gave my cat, Nickel, a gift: a tiny knitted scarf. While he was trying it on, he went and sat under the Christmas tree (A spot our cats enjoy often) and I was able to capture this adorable moment of our cat, whom we consider to be a gift in his own right, wearing his gift under the tree!

Love Story

To tell a love story, I photographed two teddy bears wearing matching winter outfits that he have perched on a windowsill in our living room. The light coming through from the out-of-focus outside gives a softness and brightness to the scene that I liked.