Category Archives: Inspiration

The prompt this week was to have the camera lie. This photo looks like the button of a pillow or something else, but it is actually the front of an old fashioned cabinet piano. I decided to do this by zooming close to the covering so the viewer couldn’t see the tells of rest of the object and would come to the wrong conclusion about what it actually was. I really liked the image because of the navy fabric in contrast with the gold and the radial pattern of the lines coming out from the center.

The inspiration for this week was serenity. I really like fire and warmth. If there is a heater or fire place going, chances are you will find me curled up by it, especially if it is cold outside. My younger brother often complains that I keep the living room too warm because I will plant myself right in front of the fire place and not move for extended periods of time as I work on my laptop. There is something just so calming about the warmth. When you sit in front of something like a heater or fire place, it is like your worries melt away. I really, really love how this photo turned out. I am in love with the colors and how vibrant they are. They translated really well over camera, which doesn’t always happen, so I am really happy to see that.

For the no filter challenge, we were told to post a photo without any editing to it. This was the picture I chose. Our family visited an old fashioned printing press recreation and I absolutely loved learning about all the different phrases that we use that have their origins in the printing press (things like “cutting to the chase”, “Stereotyping”, and upper case and lower case letters). I really liked the way this photo turned out and I loved the color pallet too. It wasn’t a very vibrant or exciting one, but the clean colors were extremely pleasant to look at.

The focus this week was anonymous. I regularly go walking with my dad and my dog, and one of the things that my dad and I like to do is guess whether someone is actually living in a house. The housing market in our neighborhood can be a little crazy and occasionally leaves homes unoccupied for months. To deter break-ins, they will put lights on a timer to turn on at night and make it appear like someone is inside. I think this photo fulfills the anonymous prompt because the only reason we figured out that someone was living in the house was because the lights changed over the weeks we would walk past it. We never saw a person moving around inside or saw someone walk in, but because there would be different lights on and off that wouldn’t be able to follow the pattern of a preprogrammed timer,…

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The prompt for this week was trash. When I was walking with my family, we ran across these trees that people had cut down, but left the fallen branches and chopped up logs on the side of the path. I don’t know why they left the wood on the side, but it didn’t really look like they were coming back. Maybe someone will come around and use some of the wood for a fire pit, but until then, it will probably continue to be considered ‘trash’.

This week’s photo challenge was white balance. We were tasked with changing the white balance to create a photo that was not necessarily color accurate. In this photo, the original one I took was more muted tones with a colder feel. It was shot during pretty chilly day, but through changing the white balance, it created a much more late summer feel. It was interesting how changing something as simple as the white balance, it shifts the entire tone of the photo.

I chose this image of ice that fell in for the “Weight or Mass” prompt. Normally there is a stream beneath ice, but after a few weeks without any new snow or rain, the water levels dropped. When that happened, the water was no longer supporting the ice and it was too heavy so it dropped, as seen in the picture. This photo was not originally supposed to be of frozen ice. When I went out to take photos, I was expecting to see either a running stream, or no water at all, but I think this might have been better in the end.

The day that I took this picture, I was feeling pretty tired and just desperately wanted to curl up on a couch with a book and a blanket. I decided to photograph something that I thought represented that feeling of calm peace.
