
statue in peace plaza

The prompt for this week was freedom and creating a photo that tells a story related to that. This photo is of the statue in the middle of the UN Peace Plaza in Independence, Missouri. I love the pose of the girl because she is reaching towards a bird and has her arms stretched like she trying to copy the bird flying above her. For me, flight has always been associated with freedom and I think that even though we may never be able to truly be able to fly like a bird, we can keep reaching and keep trying in order to get there. This metaphor isn’t perfect because humans are anatomically designed not to fly, so the girl’s attempt to fly like the bird may be interpreted as her misguided attempt that to copy something that is physically impossible to do, so logically, she should just give up, but I don’t think freedom or that kind of thing is truly like that. I believe that we may never achieve true freedom because we are humans and humans are inherently flawed, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t attempt to reach that ideal or push it aside as a lost cause.