Category: Composition


I used the light on the roof of my house to make a cool effect, and then I realized that there is sort of a start shadow that is cast on it as a second part of the shape to the middle circle. I think this is cool because I always have seen these but…
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This seemed to be an interesting angle that captured one of my daily routines of brushing my teeth and flossing. I also like how I included the sink to add sort of an “Easter Egg.” I also like how the angle makes it seem like a downward slope even though it is really flat.

Rule of Odds

This was something that was just sitting here from a history project that I have been working on so I quickly grabbed the camera and took the photo as is.

Negative Space

I utilized a computer screen that was turned off to create a extremely black background so that all of the attention would be focused on the pencil in the middle. I also like the juxtaposition of the colors between the brightness of the orange and the grey part of the pencil that kind of looks…
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Center Frame Portrait

I this setup was really cool because I utilized this crack in my table that helped me prop up the card and add some effect. I also lowered the f-stop and got in close to the card to add the blur in the background to bring out the Center Frame effect even more.

Balance in Holiday Traditions

One holiday tradition is baking in my family, which often consists of lots of messes and delicious smelling treats in our house. My mom loves to bake, and then we hand them out to all of our family and friends. Today, I made meringues with left over egg whites because my dad made Carbonara which…
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Symmetry Landscape

This photo was taken at our lake house up in Tahoe during sunset, and it is very peaceful and serene place, that is almost completely empty. I though it would be the most symmetric landscape photo that I could take, without using photoshop or other tools to artificially make it fit the criteria more. I…
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Rule of Thirds Motion

This picture that I took represents the rule of thirds and how the eye is attracted to each different area. Multiple area of composition allow for it to draw the audiences eyes. One for example is that the apple is in focus while the background is out of focus, it is also placed not directly…
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