
What is an Animatic? Well to answer that you will need to know about the story. Check out the short story. Now that you have an understanding about the story I created, the idea may see clearer. An animatic is the bridge between a story and an animation.

Physically, it is sketches of the story and the scenes with the dialogue attached (see photo^) This is a tool that professional studios use to help them figure out if they need to add scenes that help the fluidity of the story, or delete unneccesary scenes that clutter the animation. This process is very useful because it is all pencil and paper that are scanned. It saves time from having to create the images in either Flash or Illustrator and then realizing that the work you did was either too much or not enough.

Click here to see my Animatic

Animatic Drawing

To create the animatic, I scanned in the images from my graphic novel. After that, I "sliced" each scene into seperate images to be later added to my Flash animatic. I then added fades and sounds to go along with the animatic to portray the real timing of each scene. This helps me figure out how many different drawings I must create for the animation.


Male Voice (Tony): Ethan
Female Voce (Lori): Ray
Narrator: Collin