a website by
conor tiffin






Schools almost endingt and it's really weird. I hope that I can keep on going and stuff and there's vomit on his sweater already. Mom's spaghetti. He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs. But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down. The whole crowd goes so loud. He opens his mouth but the words won't come out. Yeah.

Yeah, it's still not 5/14. It's the last day of school and I'm still struggling to get all my stuff done at Freestyle. I really really want to get all this done, and it's actually possible because I'm done with all my classes at MVHS. Yeah, it's gonna be great.

It's not really 5/7 right now. Actually it's the last day of school and I'm struggling to get all my stuff done and raise my grade to an A in Web. Tonight I'm playing a show, going to the Experimental Exhibition, and then going to Lindsey's graduation party. Yeah.

We're starting our documentary websites and they're due thursday. This is the beginning of the long stretch of school that lasts basically until the end. I can't believe it's this close. But it's not over at all yet, so, yeah. I'm ecited for 24 tonight.

I'm making up this blog so I can get some credit. Knees weak arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already. Mom's spaghetti. He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs. But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down. The whole crowd goes so loud. He opens his mouth but the words won't come out. Snap back to and I'm taking the SAT tomorrow. It's going to be long. I have to be at Los Altos High at 7:45 AM. Bottoms up.

I am making this blog up for credit for this week. Right now it is 5/4, so I'm about a month late. I finished my website. It was cool, it was hip. I'm ready to move on and be done with this unit. Yeah. Yeah. The exhibition is on the 9th, and that's going to be tight. Yeah. Yeah.

What a ridiculous start to a work-filled week! I have so much work to do and espscially tonight I have so much going on. Most of the time I love having a full calendar but at this point it's becoming hard to handle. Tomorrow I have a test in U.S History and I have to turn in a notebook for it, too. Along with that just comes make-up stuff for web, and everyday homework. I have a guitar lesson and I'm going to Lindsey's for 24. I have to schedule a meeting with an interviewee for the documentary unit and still finish up transcribing my first interview. I'm sure I'm not remembering about 20 things right nowm those are a couple of the things i need to do. It's going to be awesome. To all you who are taking the time to read this, be glad you have the time to.

This week has entailed so much work for me it's unexplainable. And the great thing is somewhere along the way I decided I was going to get everything done. I've been doing well. I printed a photo I took that I plan on entering in the Olympiad of the Arts photography contest. I don't really know anything about the competition and what previous winning photos looked like so at this point I don't know anything about my chances. I guess it was a last minute sort of thing, though. I'd rather have had more time to take more photos but I've been so busy, and this photo has to be custom framed by next friday, so I really doubt I'll have any time. My grandpa's framing it for me - he designs and constructs houses and has been doing that for like 40 years or something so i'm sure he'll do a great job.

The weekend was okay. I drove to the city with Lindsey, Stephen, Anna, and Beebs on Saturday to watch A Glass Gesture play at Slim's. It was awesome until we got lost and the traffic and one-ways were just to ridiculous to follow, we had to leave. I really want to enter this Photo contest held by this organization the holds annual competitions for students, Olympiad of the Arts. Anyways it should be cool. Time for web. Thanks.

Finally it's Thursday. Thursdays are usually really good days. Not only because Grey's Anatomy is on, but they just always seem like genuinely good days. Just normal and nothing too exciting.
I've been studying the future tense in Spanish and my teacher Sr. Morgan does an awesome job of relating this whole unit to our futures. I love that class, I wish I could sit down and force myself to study for it more often. Here at Freestyle, we're learning HTML coding in Web, and in Tuesday's class I didn't totally get it all. I hope I get it. The last thing I need right now is not understanding something for this unit.


It's now Tuesday. I can believe how fast the days are starting to go by, it's crazy. Before I know it it'll be Friday. I just went out to lunch at Nob Hill and realized how much Nob Hill really did copy Whole Foods. I mean, you walk into his place and it basically is Whole Foods, except for the fact that it's food isn't as whole, or good. I had artichoke pasta stuff and although it looked really good it had this really funky aftertaste that's still hanging around. Not too great. I'm thinking of trying for Whole Foods tomorrow at lunch, even though it's far away, it's so worth it. In other news, yesterday me and evan furthered our idea even more, and i feel confident that we can make this a really successful project.

It's Monday and we're formulating our idea for the Documentary Unit more and more. It's turned into more of a sectioning off of different groups of people and how in one group people find a way to relieve their stress and feel renewed. I'm excited for how this should turn out, it's looking good. We have an interview due next week so we really have to get some serious work done on this. I hope everything goes well and we buckle down a concrete idea so we can really get moving on this project and hopefully make it great.

It's another Friday, but this one's a little more fun, because I'm playing a show tonight. We haven't written any new material lately, and I'm excited for this show to be over so we can start, because we dont have any planned after this one. At this point, we're so comfortable with these songs that were just focusing on really enjoying our last show playing just these ones. In other news, the documentary unit has started up, and evan and I are looking at places of escape and why people need to get out and away from their usual routines every once in a while. It should be pretty interesting, look for updates soon. Thanks.

Hello friends. Today is Friday and I'm going to Santa Cruz tonight for a show. Next week's vacation, and I'm going snowboarding with an Lindsey and her family and just hanging out. I'm so ready. Today was awards ceremony and I won runner-up for my narrative illustration (which I was surprised with) and Third Place for my Photonarrative. It felt good finally winning something. Anyway, I'm really excited for the Documentary Unit.

Vacation is slowly getting closer and closer and I'm getting to need it more and more. I can't wait. It feels great knowing that in two weeks I won't have to worry about all this and I'll get to take a short break from all this work. Of course, the work will slam back into us after. Oh well, it's worth it.

I cannot wait for vacation in a few weeks, I need this so badly. Ah. I'm so overworked right now. The exhibition went well, I was surprised with how many people came that I knew, it was really cool. I hope more and more people come as the exhibitions continue.

It's the day of our Project 2 Exhibition and I'm struggling to get all of my website done. I'm really unhappy with how I'm getting about 2 hours to get all of this done when I could spend much longer on it, like weeks. Of course that's not reasonable, but at least I can spend weeks on my Google Wi-fi Informative website. About Google, we had an interview yesterday with them, which went well and I'm really excited for the project. Bye.

Its again another Friday and it is minutes before my Freestyle Interview, which is at 8 and it's 7:50. Yeahhhh. Im a little nervous, I've heard from freinds that it's relatively easy and chill. So i'm hoping that will hold true for me. Basically we have to display to them our best and worst works in OUR opinion. Anyways that shoulsd be fum and OH BOY it's 7:52. Jeez Louise. Wow. It just changed again. 7:53. Yeah. I'm going to go ponder my art again before I start talking about it. Thanks byeeee.

Hey. It's another Friday and I'm updating again. I realized today how amazingly fast December has gone by. I don't know what it is about it but its just flying by. Hmm. In other news, I printed my photonarrative this week, and the colors came out pretty nice. I was happy with it. I also signed up for my Final here at Freestyle and I'm excited for that, too. Tonight I'm going to see the Blood Diamond and that should be fun. Oh, and I ate Burger King at lunch today with Stephen, and it was good momentarily, but I'm now feeling the effects of it, and it's not so pleasant. Hey - I was low on cash and i got lunch though, right? Rigggght. Thanks for reading. I find it hard to believe that anyone would actually stop by and read my blog which has pretty pointless information plugged into it every week, but if someone really reads this, you are awesome. Later fellow humans.

Hey everybody. Today we had a Chigong teacher come to Freestyle and destress us. It was awesome. He showed us this one move where you hold your hands really close together and you can feel the chi running from hand to hand. This was the Chit, and I felt what seemed like a magnetic force repelling my hands from each other. It was really, really cool. Other than that we talked about our final interviews, which will take place over the next couple weeks and are worth 5% of each of our classes grades. This semester's beginning to wrap up, and I'm really excited for it to be over. Yeahh. Byeee.

Yo. Right now were starting our actual animations in web and they're looking cool. I also saw the beginnings of whats going to be our film and I'm very excited to see the final project. In english and Graphics were working on the different parts of our narratve photos and essays. That project is something that I'm really interested in, because i find just telling a story through si pictures a really cool thing to be working on. In other news, I'm going to see casino royale (the new james bond) tonight and I'm super excited for that because it seems like I haven't been to the movies in a really long time. I can't believe it's december! This year has gone by really fast and I think I've finally written enough in this blog to get a pretty dec grade. Thanks for reading, dude. I am so L33T and i PWN N00B2

Hey everyone. Its the last 5 minutes of class and i am really struggling to get done with this blog. I'm just going to say that I've had a ton of work to do this week which is strange considering how I haven't had much to do at all over the past few weeks. I'm pressed to finish my illustration tomorrow but the problem is I have to practice for my band's show at the YMCA tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to do it at lunch. Or something. Anyways, thanks for reading.

It's Halloween and I'm ready for a sugar high and hanging out with freinds. This is my new blog by the way and apparently I'm suppose to update it regularly (which I haven't). So my bad about that. I was amazed today, I actually had someone dress up as me. It was an honor, I have to say. I was suprised when pople started coming up to me and saying how someone had a costume on and was being me. I guess I didn't think i was that cool. Haha. Yeah. Well, It's 3:51 PM and I'm out of school in 9 minutes. I'm pretty excited. It was kind of fun writing this...I guess it's cool to know that somebody else, like you, would actually want to spend their time rading what I've typed here. Right now at Freestyle we are learning Flash and are getting ready to shoot our movie and do a flash "commercial" type preview for it. Should be really interesting and a ton of work. Yes. Well I need to sycronize to the web, so I hope you had fun reading this and have a good halloween. Dress up and be cool!!!

Hey everybody. Technically this blog isn't really a 10/27 blog. I have to title it that to get credit. It's really a 11/21 blog. In Conor News there really hasn't been that much interesting stuff lately. That kind of sucks, because even though interesting things might involve more work they add a little spice to life. Things have been too normal. My band They Saw Her in The Clouds played a show at the El Camino YMCA last friday, and it was a lot of fun. I personally can't wait for our next one. Were going to be working on all new material and sort of changing stuff up a bit. I'm really excited for the result.

This blog is also being written on 11/21. I guess i'll switch up the subject. Hmm. Okay. We have been printing our narrative illustrations after what's seemed like forever in Ms. Pedinotti's Graphics class. I was some what behind in the process until last week when I stayed in at lunch a few times to try to catch up. I eventually did, and I was pretty happy with how my illustration turned out. The only thing that bothers me in how the colors on our prints come out so much lighter than in Illustrator. They actually weren't even that much lighter and most people would probably think that the colors were fine, but after working with that illustration for so long and being totally happy with the colors on illustrator, it really annoys me that they come out just the slightest bit lighter. Whatever.