



So I'm probably going to get a MacBook Pro yeah, and an internship hopefully. Keep you fingers crossed. Also I'm, definately going to Nicaragua with my dad, grandpa, my sister, and her boyfriend. This is my last blog for this year! :(
~Dale Xander 23-may-07

I'm going to Apple tomorrow, and I'm SOO SOO excited! YAY! I've noticed my blogs are getting shorter and shorter as the year goes on...
~Dale Xander 17-may-07

YAY! The exhibiton is over.... yeah! Wooh I didn't think I was going to finish but I did. Now I feel great need to celebrate. Anyways class starts in like 2mins so I should probably go.
~Dale Xander 9-may-07

Hey, Y'all. At the moment I'm super motivated to get my photo book done. Yeah, and I'm listening to music. So now I'm going back to work. So bye!
~Dale Xander 12-apr-07

I'm kinda in a bad mood and super tired. Basically this past weekend sucked. Nothing good happened, and I'm in pain from my soccer games. My right arm/ wrist hurts because I only ever had to dive on my right hand side. Yeah ouch. La di da.
~Dale Xander 2-apl-07

So lately I've been ALL over the place with my choice of music. I've been into the new Regina Spektor ablum, esspecially Fidelity, and the Kooks esspecially the song Naive. Yeah. So overall I enjoy everything except country, opera, and cultural music . People don't expect me to listen to Nelly Furtado, and My Chemical Romance.
~Dale Xander 16-mar-07

Wow, time flies,I can't believe it is March already. I'm so excited for break, I'm most likely going on a cruise in the Carribean with my dad and sister. My mom will be working and my brother on the 8th grade D.C. trip. I wish I got to go on the D.C. trip again with all my friends... we weren't all on the trip, but many of us were. It was TONS of fun. :)
~Dale Xander 4-mar-07

Soccer starts today, and I'm NOT ready. We will see how it goes. I have been working out for the bpast 2.5 weeks. Hopefully I did enough.
~Dale Xander 28-feb-07

I GOT MY WARM-UPS YEAH!!! I'm so excited, I'm actually wearing the jacket, very comfortable I must say. This weekend I want to go see my best friends kill at thier soccer game for CCS. Yeah, I really really miss them, haven't seen them in a long long while. Well this is short cause I have a latte of stuff to do. And yes I do know I spelt alot wrong.
~Dale Xander 16-feb-07

I can't wait for break. We so need to get more time off from school, really. I think most students would/ do agree with me. Yeah, so I have a TON of work to do, so this one is going to be esspecailly short. Oh well, hope your life is going good, and full of breaks and such...
~Dale Xander 9-feb-07

I'm sick. Not fun. Right now I'm working on redoing the paper prototype for our new websites. Excting I know! And I have ink all over my hands because my pen is leaking. I can't wait until we actually finish our site. So yeah.
~Dale Xander 2-feb-07

So, we are back from break, and its crunch time to finish up for our Narration project. To check it out click on projects, and then the Narration link. I'm extremely upset that I'm going to miss the exhibition for this project! I'm going on a retreat with my youth group, The Intersection. I'm a leader on the retreat and can't miss it, plus they weren't the ones to change the date, my teachers were. So anyway, I'm super excited to play mud-football, and see what my faith has in store for me.
~Dale Xander 26-jan-07

Thank god I'm done with FINALS. I should be working on my iMovie, but I can't focus any more, and there are people hogging the isolation booth so I can't re-record a few of my bad lines. At the moment I am sick with stupid cold, and can't sleep at night (but that's not news). So today at 12:00 I leave for Torrance, my grandpa lives there and so does my cousin and my aunt. We are going to Disneyland on the 28th I think, and I can't wait! For x-mas I bought my sister the Dane Cook: Vicious Circle Dvd and I honestly can't wait to watch it.
~Dale Xander 22-dec-06
P.S. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Finals, Finals, and FINALS. I've actually been doing well on all of them so far. In english we had an in class essay on 1984, and Persepolis. We had to compare and contrast them and life, mine was all about propaganda. In history, I have to memorize all 50 states' locations, everything about World War I, and write another in class essay. In math we have a 2-part final, with calculator, and without calculator. In spanish we had an in class essay (43/50), and now we are doing oral vocabulary testing. On the actual final day we have a multiple choice test all on grammar and I'm going to fail. I'm sure of it.
~Dale Xander 15-dec-06

Basically, I have been sick this whole past week with a VERY bad sinus infection, so I went to the doctor and got medicine. While I was there he also informed me that I had a tonsil infection. Fun stuff! So now I have to take antibiotics for 10 days, and I still get tired really fast, but no more head rushes.
~Dale Xander 7-dec-06

This weekend won't qualify as a break, and it really makes me sad. I will be pretty busy, with both social and school work. I'm excited for the social stuff, but not so much the school work stuff. Here's my schedule: Friday: meeting after school with my film group, Eagle Scout Ceremony and party for one of my best friends. Saturday: film in the whole afternoon, 11pm sleep over with my soccer team after they go to a dance without me. Sunday: go to my god-brothers mountain bike race and freeze myself to death, something that I forgot goes here, and Youth Group in the evening. Between all of these lovely activities I need to finish all my homework, learn how to correctly conjugate verbs for my Spanish 4 AP class, and a bunch of other stuff. Wish me luck!
~Dale Xander 1-dec-06

So... today my car is coming yeah! It's a Maroon 2001 Mazda Protoege LX, and I love it. Even though its a used car it is in pretty good condition, and has only 61,000 miles on it. Yesterday my dad and I drove all the way to (almost) Castro in San Francisco to test drive it, but I didn't drive because I am deathly afraid of heights. Today the old owner (well she's only 26 but you know what i mean) and her boyfriend are driving it down, and then driving back together in his car. Any suggestions for a personalized license plate? Well let me know if you do.
~Dale Xander 17-nov-06

If you've noticed all my dates here are European written. I think it looks better that way, plus it is a reminder of Spain for me. I really miss Spain, and I'm excited to go back this summer for about 3 weeks. Also I'm probably bringing one of my best friends with me which would make it so much more fun. Hopefully we'll rent a piso (apartment) in Madrid and spend the weekends there, and take train trips to all the surrounding towns, and cities. And during the week go on overnight trips to the farther cities, maybe even as far as the south of France because we have family there.
~Dale Xander 3-nov-06

At the moment, I have been working with my narration group. Our screenplay is called Tear of Moonlight. Originally our movie was a dramatic tragedy, but we (and Mrs. Kefaufer) think it would be better as a comedy. I'm not so sure how well its going to work out. At the moment we are working on the new script, and story board. I'm not so confident in my groups ability to get all of the work done, but we will see won't we.
~Dale Xander 27-oct-06

Today I was talking to some people in my Spanish class. One of them dances with my sister, and she asked how she was doing. I had no clue what she meant, I assumed my sister was fine, but then again I hardly ever see her anymore. Apparently everyone thinks my sister and I are close, but I don't really think so. I mean sure we go on vacation together, (well normally, anyways) and we are family, but I think some of her friends, and her boyfriend see her more than I do.
I told my Spanish classmate that I'm guessing there won't be a huge change when my sister goes off to college, because I never see her any ways. Yeah, this makes me sad...
~Dale Xander 20-oct-06

This is my blog page, but I have nothing to share right now, so I'll write something later. In the mean time check out, its a real cool site that plays free music, my friend Will showed it to me.
~Dale Xander 11:15 am 5-oct-06