Author: emmam

Photo Blog #44

Photo Blog #44

Viewpoint I decided to take this challenge in a more literal direction. I took the photograph through the lens of my friend’s glasses. I honestly didn’t expect this to come out very well, but this ended up being one of, if not my favorite photos 

Photo Blog #43

Photo Blog #43

Film Noir I felt as if my friend Jacob was the perfect subject for this photo because he already emits kind of a moody energy. I went through a bunch of bad takes before I came to this one (the camera was not agreeing with 

Photo Blog #42

Photo Blog #42

Small vs Large

1/64 F2.8 ISO125

I took a very literal approach here… just observing some items on the table and felt like they fit this prompt well.

Photo Blog #41

Photo Blog #41

Color Theory When I first took this photo, I already thought it looked pretty cinematic, but after editing it/color grading, it came together even better. This is by far one of my favorite photos I’ve taken

Photo Blog #40

Photo Blog #40

Long Shutter Speed Exposure Settling into the new year I feel a bit hopeful but mostly full of dread. College acceptance season approaches…

Photo Blog #39

Photo Blog #39

The Elements

1/256 f5.6 ISO100

For this assignment, I wanted to represent the element of earth, so I took a photo of a sprouting plant between stepping stones.

Photo Blog #38

Photo Blog #38

Rule of Odds I found this stack of pencil cases on my mom’s desk and thought they’d made for an interesting representation of the rule of Odds.

Photo Blog #37

Photo Blog #37

Seasons I decided to take a photo of a tree in my backyard which had lost its leaves. The flowers in the background contrast the barren tree.

Photo Blog #36

Photo Blog #36


1/30 f5.6 ISO6400

I chose to photograph these objects on my desk because they’re things I associate with a few close friends, and I wanted to express gratitude toward them.

Photo Blog #35

Photo Blog #35

Rule of Thirds Emotion Using the rule of thirds, we had to represent emotion. It was kind of difficult to get emotion while taking these photos since I had the flash on, but I did manage to capture an annoyed resentful look from my sister.