Author: emmam

Photo Blog #34

Photo Blog #34

Color without Color Our goal was to tell a story without color, I think this little squirrel was having a very colorful day.

Blog Post #33

Blog Post #33

Who Inspires You We had to show someone who inspired us, and I chose my cat, Ollie. He doesn’t rally do much but he is very inspirational

Photo Blog #32

Photo Blog #32

Fill the Frame

1/256 f4 ISO100

For this assignment, we had to “fill the frame” with a single color. I coincidentally had three blue objects on the table, so I decided to photograph them.

Photo Blog #31

Photo Blog #31

Friends and Family I struggled a bit to think of something to represent for this assignment, but I chose to show my mom cooking, sort of a peak into an average day. I don’t know if this really conveys her “story”, but I think it 

Photo Blog #30

Photo Blog #30

Habits We had to take a photo representing good or bad habits. I impulsively bake on occasion, this is a photo of me melting butter for impulse cookies.

Photo Blog #29

Photo Blog #29

Facial Symmetry

1/60 f3.5 ISO1600

Our task here was to take a photo of a face and then make two separate symmetrical versions of it. I used a photo of myself.

Photo Blog #28

Photo Blog #28

Your Culture In this assignment, we had to represent our culture. My dad’s side of the family is Jewish, so I chose to photograph one of his things.

Photo Blog #27

Photo Blog #27

The prompt for this photo was “Exit”. I’m entering a new chapter of my life as I end my junior year, but I’m still surrounded by familiar environments and memories. The representation is a bit literal, but I tried to make sure the outside was 

Photo Blog #26

Photo Blog #26

Doors of Train Station

The prompt for this photo was “Geometry”. Pretty literal, but I really liked the red. I also wanted to emphasize the symmetry here.

Photo Blog #25

Photo Blog #25

The prompt for this photo was “freedom”. Although this photo isn’t as personal as it could be, the feeling of sitting in a big open area towards the end of the week feels a lot like “freedom” to me. Also, there’s a bird flying up