Author: emmam

Photo Blog #24

Photo Blog #24

The prompt for this photo was to “Tell a lie”. I was also a bit unsure about this one. I figured tricking the audience with perspective would be the most effective way to communicate that the camera is “lying”. The tree in the photo is 

Photo Blog #23

Photo Blog #23

The prompt for this photo was “Leading Lines” (with food). When taking these shots, I didn’t really get a chance to get any of the food, but I thought the way the dishes aligned afterward made for a nice leading line. In that sense, it 

Photo Blog #22

Photo Blog #22

People at Coffee Shop

The prompt for this photo was to tell the story of a “Stranger”. I wasn’t entirely sure where to go with this one, but I decided to take photos of some of the people at a nearby coffee shop. Their stories, in this case, could be considered pretty ordinary I suppose.

Photo Blog #21

Photo Blog #21

The prompt for this photo was “Serenity”. There’s not a lot of intention that went behind this really, I just saw the sky on this day and felt inspired to photograph it. I feel it really encapsulates the feeling of serenity.

Photo Blog #20

Photo Blog #20

The prompt for this image was “Rule of Odds”. I was a little stuck on what to do for this actually, as I felt like I couldn’t really get any of the objects I chose to sit naturally with one another. However, once I found 

Photo Blog #19

Photo Blog #19

Flower on Ground

The prompt for this photo was “aging”. Once again a bit of a clique portrayal on my part, but I thought the dying flower was fitting. The small petal laying on the side was not an intentional inclusion, but I think it adds the right amount of extra detail to give the photo a little more interest.

Photo Blog #18

Photo Blog #18

The prompt for this photo was “#NoFilter”. This is something I found interesting while in San Fransisco. I don’t remember what it is exactly, but I thought that its split color was very striking and wanted to capture it.

Photo Blog #17

Photo Blog #17

The prompt for this photo was “Negative Space”. This is a really beautiful hillside, and although I was initially just planning to get a regular landscape shot, I was lucky enough to catch this deer in just the right spot.

Photo Blog #16

Photo Blog #16

inside of a trash can

The prompt for this photo was “Shadow”. Rather than using a direct shadow cast, I decided to communicate this narrative by placing the viewer in a shadowy area, with glimpses of light through the small cracks to indicate something like longingness or claustrophobia

Photo Blog #15

Photo Blog #15

The prompt for this photo was “Anonymous”. When conceptualizing this idea, I thought about it as someone spying/ peaking in on a new neighbor (someone anonymous) through a crack in the fence.