Weight vs mass

By evanm

This photo represents weight because the tire is a bit flat, so it looks like its compressing under the weight of the truck its holding up. In the composition of the photo the tire also holds a lot of weight, since the eye is drawn to it, and the rest of the photo is pretty…

Symmetry Landscape

By evanm

This photo is meant to represent a symmetrical landscape. I chose a road since nothing else anywhere near my house worked as well. I also liked the way the landscape and nature around the sides of the road looked.

Sport Stories

By evanm

The story I’m telling with this photo is very tragic. Sadly, my brother cannot dunk on like a 3 foot hoop, which is very embarrassing. I took this photo sitting on the ground, which got my shorts dirty, but it was all worth it since in the end the angle makes it appear like he…


By evanm

This photo blog is meant to capture the mood I was in that day. I woke up feeling happy that it was the weekend, so I wanted to capture that vibe. This was taken in my brothers room, where light as coming through the window, and it made me feel like ‘todays gonna be a…

Rule of Thirds

By evanm

In this photo, my little brother is standing on top of a truck and doing a very spooky, blood-curdling, hair-raising, nerve-racking, and spine-chilling pose. He is clearly a menace and you should lock your doors. Also he is in line between the 2nd and 3rd thirds of the photo, following the rule of thirds.

Self Portrait

By evanm

In this photo I am leaning against a volleyball net because playing Volleyball is something I am passionate about. I like this photo because it represents a lot of who I am without showing my face. I like playing volleyball, relaxing, and looking at trees. I’m like the Lorax.