
By evanm

[1/100 f.5 ISO 200] This is a stop-sign. You may have thought that it’s some sort of other language, but its actually flipped. I didn’t do that in post though, I was actually standing on a rock and like bending my whole body because I thought I was Avante Garde. Also, if you didn’t connect…


By evanm

[1/125 f.9 ISO 200] In this photo I experimented with the angle of actually sitting on the swing to take the photo. I think it turned out pretty cool and it feels like you’re on the swing when you see the photo. I also experimented with taking the photo as I was swinging but it…

Rule of odds

By evanm

[1/125 f.8 ISO 400] For the rule of odds, where you photograph an odd number of subjects(1, 3, 5, etc.) I wanted to find ideally 3 cool looking subjects. I looked around for a while but I couldn’t find anything great so I settled on this strange tree in someones yard. It looked like it…

Negative Space

By evanm

[1/50 f.5 ISO 400] For this photo I used negative space to make it look interesting. I chose to do a ping pong table since I recently demolished Nate in a game of ping pong. Also its fitting since I’m the reigning ping pong champion of Mexico after I won the tournament over there. I…

Center Frame Portrait

By evanm

[1/50 f/2.0 ISO 400] This is a portrait of my majestical brother. In this photo he is clearly plotting something mischievous. As I took the photo I felt a chill run down my spine. The room was a bit dark, which added to the spooky moment, but also forced me to turn up my ISO…

Balance in Holiday Traditions

By evanm

Merry Christmas. The tree is in the center of the photo, I flipped it vertical just to try something new, and made the tree out of focus to make the lights look like that. I actually really like this style of having the lights completely out of focus so they become blurry circles. I think…

Leading Lines

By evanm

The idea behind this photo is to use leading lines, basically lines in the photo that draw your eyes to a specific part, to show the concept of infinity. To do this, I photographed a wooden floor because it has a repetition of parallel lines that has an endless look to it, and as your…

Symmetry Landscape

By evanm

This photo is meant to represent a symmetrical landscape. I chose a road since nothing else anywhere near my house worked as well. I also liked the way the landscape and nature around the sides of the road looked.

Rule of Thirds

By evanm

In this photo, my little brother is standing on top of a truck and doing a very spooky, blood-curdling, hair-raising, nerve-racking, and spine-chilling pose. He is clearly a menace and you should lock your doors. Also he is in line between the 2nd and 3rd thirds of the photo, following the rule of thirds.