
By evanm

[1/100 f.5 ISO 200] This is a pretty pink flower I found near my house. I thought it would be fitting for the Flower Photo Blog since its a flower. There was also some purple flowers next to it, but I chose this one since it was the brightest group of flowers I’ve ever seen.…


By evanm

[1/125 f.8 ISO 100] This was a photo of a total stranger but he was wearing a cool shirt and seemed like a chill guy. I felt kind of weird taking a photo os a random person so I just flanked him and took a photo of his back. Originally I was going to take…


By evanm

[1/320 f.8 ISO 100] This photo captures aging because theres many many cracks in the road. It looks real old. I took this while walking around barefoot because Im currently training my feet to be very strong. Had I panned the camera down just a smidge then you would see my dirt grabbers.


By evanm

[1/250 f.8 ISO 100] This is a very peculiar shadow. Originally I just took a photo of my shadow in a pool as I was just standing up straight. However, I decided it was too boring so I took out my land grabbers and used them to make a majestic shadow. The more I look…

New Beginnings

By evanm

[1/100 f/7.1 ISO 100] This is quite the inspiring photo. It is a new beginning for this flower which is blooming with such beauty and glory. This photo is taken in my yard where there are lots of flowers, but none quite as beautiful as the one captured in this photo.

Speed light shots

By evanm

For this assignment, we had to use 4 different methods with the speed light attachment on our camera. I chose this bottle of hand-sanny for my subject since I thought it would look cool under different lighting. The one where I had the flash pointed directly at it(top left) was way to harsh, and the…


By evanm

For this blog, we were meant to take a photo of a sunset and have a creative aspect to it. For this photo, which is taken at my grandad’s house in Chicago, the creative aspect is that. you cant actually see the sun, and it’s not even in focus. Instead, the nearby tree is in…

Sport Stories

By evanm

The story I’m telling with this photo is very tragic. Sadly, my brother cannot dunk on like a 3 foot hoop, which is very embarrassing. I took this photo sitting on the ground, which got my shorts dirty, but it was all worth it since in the end the angle makes it appear like he…

Self Portrait

By evanm

In this photo I am leaning against a volleyball net because playing Volleyball is something I am passionate about. I like this photo because it represents a lot of who I am without showing my face. I like playing volleyball, relaxing, and looking at trees. I’m like the Lorax.