
Intro to my Reflection

The goal for our reflection unit was to really understand ourselves and what we were deep inside. For the different classes we used different mediums, be it Photoshop in Digital Media and video essays in Film.

Digital Media

For my Digital Media class we created various pieces of art that represented our personalities. One of these were the mandalas we created that were very fun and relaxing.

I went through several different versions of the mandala. I had so many different ideas yet this birthed nothing. At the end of it all, I decided to just have fun and incorporate all my ideas. These ideas ranged from squid monsters to Spider-man webs!


For film class, Mr Taylor wanted us to make video essays about what we wanted to talk about. It had to be something that told the viewer something about us. I decided to talk about my view on the world and finding stories in literally anything.

(video is unavailable as it has not been uploaded)