
Welcome to my documentary site!


      As opposed to the narrative unit where we had to make up a story to build our project around, in the documentary unit, our job was to go out and find a real-life story to work with. In this case, I chose to document The Milk Pail, an open air market in Mountain View that has recently celebrted 34 years in business. It is through this theme, that I explore the nature of independant business in todays current economic climate.

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A Flash documentary slideshow where I took interviews with both staff and customers of The Milk Pail and combined them with my own narraration to create an audio documentary with accompanying photos. In this documentary I explore the past, present, and future of The Milk Pail to further exhibit its mutualistic relationship with the community and how it utilises this relationship to keep business going
 • For the design aspect of this unit, we made a photo documentary book. It is through the making of this book that I have made great improvents on what photos I take and how I edit them.
• For English, my major assignment was to write a research paper. I wrote mine on the things that define what we consume. I decided to write on this because I feel that as a modern day american teenager, I am pressured more than others to consume. Because of this, I wanted to look at why people shop, buy, and consume the way that they do.
• During the documentary unit, I learned how to use Reason, which is a program for digitally composing music. By using this software I have composed new music for use on this webpage. To pause the music, use the white button that is located above the site introduction.

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Audio Slideshow
projects Page
Photo Book
Research Paper