
The two projects that I chose to compare for my Showcase are my Experimental film and my Zenith project.

Experimental Film

Our first unit in Film was the experimental film unit. During experimental
 film, we watched, studied and created non-narrative, avant-garde and abstract films that stray away from traditional methods and narratives. Our experimental films were created individually that were based off of
 our concept statement we chose in English, mine being, I am exploring the feeling of defeat through the experience of cooking.

Zenith Project

The Zenith project is our last big project before leaving Freestyle. The definition of zenith is “the time at which something is most powerful or successful.” This is the point in our Freestyle careers in which we have learned everything we are going to learn in the 2 years at the program. This is the project where we get to take our skills & everything we have learned and create our own, individual project to discover and work on any topic of our choice.


I believe that these projects display my artistic growth to the best of their ability. I created my Experimental film in August and September of 2018. I created my Zenith project in April and May of 2020. Not only were the projects created so far from each other, but I had learned so much in between.

When I created my Experimental film, I had learned pretty much nothing when it comes to film. I didn’t really know how to use a camera and I didn’t really know how to edit, but as rough as the final project came out, I learned a lot and deeply valued my experience.

When I created my Zenith project, I had learned everything I was going to learn at Freestyle. I put all of the skills and passions that I had discovered and grown and came out with a project that I was very satisfied with and proud of.

I have grown immensely as an artist and as a person throughout my time at Freestyle. I am so grateful for all of the lessons that I have learned. I am also so grateful for every mistake and failure that I encountered because I think that I have come out stronger on the other end and am better prepared for challenges I may face in the future. Thank you Freestyle for teaching me all that.