It is a challenge trying to understand other people going through their own problems. It is even harder to understand the feeling of an animal. The mind is very complex and we already don’t have a full understanding of the human body. Animals have their own stories but they will never be able to tell us them. Therefore we have to use interpretation of them to come up with our own Consensus about them. Judging how this animal runs away and barks at every human that isn’t her mother seems very untrustworthy which comes from a Traumatizing childhood growing in a barn where we don’t know a lot about what was going on there or what their living arrangements were like. While they are more of a scaredy cat then a dog they still have the unbounded loyalty and companionship every dog possesses, her mother and my wonderful neighbor ricky is someone you cant even get near without a bark or case of the zoomies which is beautiful to see in such a Timid animal. This just shows what true loyalty animals have for their partners and it is weird how we also label humans as the owners when we should be treating everything and everyone with value not objectifying what we don’t understand.