Mom & Dad: My parents, from two different ends of the world, are probably one of the best examples of opposites attract. The only thing I hold against them is that my dad never taught me Japanese when I was little, and my mom never let me get a pet snake although my dad tried. My dad may seem like a serious, strict personality but his sense of humor is hilarious especially when they're together. My mom's always going to yoga, or spin, or zumba and if she's not she's probably talking about it. I would never picture two people like my parents together, but I love them together more than anything.
Chantel: My sister is one of the weirdest, funniest, nicest people I know. When she's not mad at me for taking her clothes or her make-up we actually usually get along. I think she's the only person I could watch Animal Planet with and laugh so hard I cried and I mean, that's what sisters are for right? I always told my mom she acts more like an older brother sometimes and as much as it annoys me sometimes I know I'm lucky to have that.
Lance: A 6-year age difference is pretty hard to breach between siblings especially when they're an eight-hour drive away at college but I've always gotten along with my brother. He's probably the most multi-talented person I've ever met and he know more about every little thing that I could even question. We went from him teaching me how to play Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 to now teaching me how to cook.


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