





In design class we were given the task to discover our best and worst trait, which we were then supposed to symbolize in our illustration which we created using Adobe Illustrator. You can view my illustration below...


Click the Illustation to enlarge


My self-portrait illustration is meant to depict my best and worst quality; my ability to adapt and change my personality for various settings. As seen by the chameleon in the illustration, I am able to change my outlook and adapt to almost all situations that I must confront. This is good, because I never seem to get stuck or not fit in with my setting; usually it is pretty easy to change my personality to make those around me feel more comfortable. This is shown by the variety of colors and combinations to which the chameleon adapts to.


However, what seems like a blessing, is also quite a curse. I often get confused with who I truly am; adaptation is great, but when I have no setting to conform to, I sometimes find it difficult to be exactly who I am. I find my sense of identity is often in jeopardy because of my constant dismissal of my true personality, in order to conform and adapt to each new situation that comes along. This is portrayed by the eyes, which in comparison to everything else in the image are the only thing that are not colorful at all, actually quite bland, resembling the loss of identity.

2010 Copyright ©Kateryna Fomenko. All Rights Reserved.