Kenneth Hamel writes a short story called Dilemma


On October 31st, Rocky planned on going out to a friend’s party to spend his Halloween night. Having set plans without his girlfriend was something they had already decided to do. As they talked throughout the day, Rihanna had told Rocky that she would be at her friend Rachel’s house to help set up for her party. As time passed Rihanna texted Rocky saying, “COME TO THE PARTAYY.” As they continued to tal, Rocky questioned whether or not she was wasted because of the messages she was sending that made no sense. Slurring all of her words and speaking gibberish made him quite curious. Having already arranged his entire evening, his plans spiraled as he received a text from Rakim saying, “I’m at Rachel’s party and Rihanna is drunk already and multiple guys are trying to hit on her.” Confused on the fact that it was only 8pm and Rihanna is already wasted got Rocky heated. The only thing Rocky wanted to do was get to his girlfriend as soon as possible to make sure she was okay. Rocky threw on a random costume and hopped inside of his Camaro. As many kids walked across the streets to go treat-or-treating he soon came across hundreds of teenagers walking past his car to go to Rachel’s party. He finally found a parking and walked towards the crowd of teenagers that were looking for the rage as well. Running into some friends Rocky shouted out, “wait up bro!” and entered the side gate to where it all began.


As many people approached Rocky he replied with a, “ WHAT UP! have you’ve seen Rihanna”

“Yeah I just saw her, she is somewhere around here.”, Eli said

Thinking to himself as he walked around, where could this girl be. He finally noticed her by the pool surrounded by crowd of her friends. Rocky’s eyes rose and immediately he started walking towards her.

Rihanna said, “ROCKY! Finally you’re here!”, while she struggled trying to stand up straight.

“ Are you okay babe?” Rocky asked

In response, “Yeah I am fine, I just had a couple of drinks. I am just having fun.”

“Seems like you’ve had more than just a couple.” Said Rocky

Rihanna said silently, “I’m just a lightweight.” “ Rihanna You know I don’t like when you drink, it is a turnoff. You don’t need alcohol to have fun, you have me.”

“Since you don’t drink does not mean I have to.” Rihanna replied. Rocky responded in concern, “I’m just saying you need to control yourself and manage your limits”

“Okay I’m sorry, i’ll be back. My friends from middle school are here!”

As Rihanna walked away he thought back to the text Rakim had sent me from earlier about guys hitting on her. Rocky let her go off and do her own thing. Giving her the space she wanted he slightly watched and checked on her once and awhile to make sure no guys were all over her.

As the evening progressed, Rocky noticed multiple guys hitting on Rihanna. Trusting his girlfriend, he gave her the space to do what she wanted. When it got out of hand and one started pushing the limit, she walked away and said, “ I have a boyfriend.” Still mad that she was letting this happen instead of spending time around me, Rocky was furious.

She is still stumbling around so he sat her down to give her water throughout the night. Rocky’s intentions is to help Rihanna to make sure she was safe. As a boyfriend all he wanted to do was protect and make her feel secure.

The party soon started to get out of hand when hundreds of obnoxious, drunk teenagers started throwing chairs, cheese balls and stripping down into the pool. Before this went too far the cops came and crashed the party. While everyone was scrambling attempting to avoid the cops Rihanna and Rocky casually walked out towards the car. They suddenly come across Rihanna’s friends so Rocky asked them if he could take her with him to the party he had originally planned on going to. They said, “Just bring her back after you guys are done because she’s suppose to sleep over.”

After driving 15 minutes away and arriving to Forest Hill dr to Fergs party. Rihanna’s friends spammed her phone wondering where she was. Her friends soon called asking, “Rihanna where are you?!”. Rocky was confused because we had just told them we were going to Fergs party not too long ago. Her friends that were also drunk and were worried about where she was and WANTED Rocky to bring her back NOW!

Kalie forcefully said, “Rihanna put Rocky on the phone.”

“Yes?” Rocky answered

“We are just really concerned and we want you to bring her back right now. Either bring her to to my house or bring her home.”

Willing to do anything to please Rihanna’s friends to get on his good side was something Rocky needed to do in order to stay with her.

Rocky agreed “Okay, i’ll bring her home now.”

Simultaneously sticking the key into the ignition and handing back the phone Rihanna suddenly stopped and said to Rocky. “ No I can’t go home. I don’t want my parents to know that I have been drinking. I feel bad that we drove all the way here. Let’s just go in and say hi to your friends for a little then we can leave.”

Keeping his promise to bring her back after the party was a constant reminder going through his head as time passed by. Not wanting to upset her friends was a no-no.

Introducing all of Rocky’s friends to Rihanna was something that made her seem very pleasant. Trying to take care of her and aiding her with water changed once some guy offered her a beer. And what do you know. She accepted it. After all of the attempts trying to get Rihanna to sober up made me think she was just trying to have another drink to continue her “adventurous” Halloween night.

Her friends continued to contact her, panicking once again, wondering if she was okay. At this point it was time as we said our goodbyes getting ready to leave the cops immediately started banging on Fergs house door.

“Yo everyone the cops are here! HIDE!”

Everyone scattered into each room of the house and turned all of the lights off to make it seem like no one was home. After 20 minutes the cops continued to yell and bang on the door. Hiding in a bathroom, Rihanna’s friend’s mother called Rocky’s phone wondering if they could have the address to pick her up.

In anger Kalies mother said, “ This is not okay, I need your location now.”

As I give my phone to Rihanna to talk to Kalies mother the cops get inside the house forcing everyone to come out of each room and into the living room. Doing what was best Rihanna and Rocky listened to every instruction that was provided.

Officer James forcefully announced, “Under suspicion, we are allowed to keep you here until your parents come and pick you up. No one can drive themselves home tonight, you have to get a legal guardian to take you.”

Kalie’s mother and all her friends soon arrived to pick up Rihanna as Rocky felt her slip through her hands and walked away in disappointment. Not being able to follow up with my promises by taking her back was something he truly felt terrible about. Rocky then called his mother on his way home telling him about the situation about the cops coming and why he had to leave his car all the way in Sunnyvale.

“The cops shut down the party and won’t let anyone drive back home. Sean’s dad is driving me home right now.” Rocky said to his mother

Rocky’s Mother replied in a concerned matter “ Why did the cops come?! Was there alcohol and drugs”

“Yes” Rocky said silently

“See I knew I should have never let you out on Halloween.” Raged Rocky’s mother

As soon as Rocky arrived to home his mother questioned everything that had happened.

Before he had went out to go to the party his mother had already asked him if he was planning on seeing Rihanna that night. He frantically answered with a no, even though he had received that text from Rakim saying your girlfriend was drunk. Not wanting to tell his mother why he would be changing his plans to see Rihanna was out of goodness because he didn’t want her getting in any kind of trouble. Lying to his mom would soon become an issue.

An hour later Rocky received a text message from Rihanna’s friend saying, “We wanted to let you know that it was absolutely not okay what you did to Rihanna. She was supposed to be home and I trusted you to take care of her but now I found out that you ignored her requests to take her home. You abused your power over her and you did not let her get home to safety which is something that is NOT ok. I don't understand what was going through your head to make you think you could do that to her because she does not deserve this. We had to get parents involved and you took her phone and controlled her. She feels abused I think and I hope she never has to deal with this again and she's hysterically crying.

At this point Rocky is confused because he took action to take Rihanna home but she insisted not to and the fact that her friends thought I took her phone away from her was absurd.

Not knowing to think at this point, he messaged Rihanna asking, “Why didn’t you just tell me straight up you did not want to be there instead of acting as if it was totally normal and okay. Why were you acting as if you were happy.?”

With no response within 24 hours she finally responded saying “ I need my space for now to think about everything.”

The next day when Rocky was asleep, Rihanna’s mother had called his mom saying, “Do you know your son forced my daughter to this party?”

In anger Rocky’s mother said “Why did you lie to me, you said you weren’t with Rihanna last night.”

After this Rocky realized he had to spill everything out because he had to protect himself and convince his mom that he was just trying to take care of his girlfriend out of good intentions.

The next Monday during school they ran into each other and sat down on the bench and talked about everything that had happened that night. Arguing between who was wrong and who was right soon came to a decision that Rocky and Rihanna needed to go their separate ways.

A month later, him and Rihanna really miss each other and began to start talking again but a huge controversy has come in between them because her friends doubt him now. After losing his trust with her friends, Rocky constantly looks for ways to change in order to get back with her. No matter how much he’s tried to show his security and confidence, he cannot seem to find a way to win Rihanna and her friends trust again. Till this day he continues to think about Rihanna and has a repetition of conflicts between himself whether or not he should give up on her or continue trying to get her back. Not wanting to be with anyone else Rocky has been juggling in between an unsolved Dilemma.