
Hi. My name is Kevin Huang. I am a freestyle student in Web/Audio and this is my website where you can check out my work. On my website, there are four buttons to navigate to my more specific websites that contain the products of my work here in freestyle. In these projects, I demonstrate my ability to use Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and other Adobe programs to express myself in a more creative way than the traditional pen and paper which is what freestyle is all about.

For my website button symbols, I chose to use turntables that light up when you hover over them because I am a DJ and music producer. It has been a big part of my life and is the first answer to the question “Who Am I?”

Being a freestyle student has really opened my eyes to all the possible career paths to consider in the future as well as what I want to do with my life in the present. Web/Audio has really changed the way I work while English and Design have changed the way I think. The information that I have learned from the classes at freestyle has given me insight to the way things work like how a website is made and how everything on it is programmed by the creator.

This is a picture of myself, Kevin Huang.