Introduction header

Welcome to my experimental website. At Freestyle I was challenged to try new things. It all started in English, where we had to randomly pick a concept statement to shape our project around. Mine was Peacefulness by accepting my self. Sounding like a very bright and happy concept I challenged myself to find a darker side to that concept.











Animation header

Animation section












Poem header


Poem section










Art header


Music header
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In Web Audio Mr Flo told us to create a piece of music for our website. I created my song in reason. It’s called “Trip to the End.” I used multiple sound filters and computer generated instruments to create a song that told a story. My insperation behind my music was from my concept statement, peacefulness by accepting my self.” The story in this song was someone excepting that they don’t have mush time left. Once his times gone everything will go silent. If you are about to run out of time why go silently.