See the movie based on this screenplay!

Into the White
Fade in: INTRO- Two girls in a bathroom, standing side by side in a mirror getting ready. There is makeup spilled out on the counter.
Katy: Lauren do you have cover-up?
Lauren: No. Sorry I don’t use it.
Katy: Shut up. Cover-up is my life. You can hide anything you want.
Lauren: (laughs) Give me a break, you don’t even need it.
Katy: Yeah sure. Anyways do you think that Josh will be at the party tonight?
Lauren (laughs sarcastically): Oh we can only hope. Katy, he is the sketchiest guy ever.
Katy: Whatever if you are that hot, you are allowed to be sketchy.
Lauren rolls her eyes at Katy. She leans in closely to the mirror. She is putting on very light makeup, and Katy is putting on dark and heavy makeup.
Lauren: Oh my god.
Katy (concerned): What is it?
Lauren: I have a wrinkle.
Katy (laughs hysterically): That’s why you don’t get that close to the mirror. It’s dangerous.
Lauren: Don’t make fun of me. How can you even see yourself from that far away?
Katy (smirks): I can’t, that’s the point. 
Lauren glares at Katy.
Katy: Oh come on old lady, don’t be bitter. Just get in line for your depends.
Lauren (biting): I’d rather be in a line than doing one.
Katy: Oh shutup.
Katy looks back at the counter.
Katy (picking up the concealer): Found it!
Katy starts putting on the concealer heavily. The camera focuses in on her nose. She is covering up the fact that it is extremely red.
Lauren: You know maybe if you didn’t wear so much makeup guys like Josh wouldn’t try and liquor and drug you up.
Katy: And maybe if you weren’t so uptight boys like josh would try and liquor and drug you up. Lets call it even?
Lauren: I am not uptight.
Katy: Lauren you have looked at that clock five times in the last three minutes. I’d say you are a little anal.
Lauren: Hey we’re just running late. I never like to be behind.
Katy: Life is too short. Stop worrying so much and live it up a little.
Lauren: Yeah well you live it up any more and your life will be too short. I’m just a little more cautious.
Katy: Oh god little old lady, why don’t you climb in your casket? Tell me if you see the white light. It’d be nice to know if it existed.
Lauren: I think you’ve seen a bit too much of the white lately.
Katy (laughs): Yeah who I am kidding. You don’t need death or a revelation to see the light. All you need is a good dealer.
Katy: Do you have any eyeliner? Mine is dull
Lauren: Nope.
Katy looks away from the mirror and puts on her eyeliner without it. Lauren turns around and stares at her.
Lauren: Are you crazy? Look in the mirror! You are going to poke your eye out doing it that way.
Katy: I’ve done it a billion times before, trust me I don’t need it.
Lauren: Katy what is on your makeup bag? (there is a white powder)
Katy brushes the powder off of the bag and puts it on her face.
Katy (playfully): Makeup.
Lauren: Okkkay. I’m not really stoked for this party. I only want to be there for an hour.
Katy: Are you kidding?
Lauren: No. We have our econ final tomorrow.
Katy: Let’s just go for two hours. Pleeeease.
Lauren: Don’t we do anything but party? Remember when we first met?
Katy (laughing): When you crying in the hallway because of you psychotic roomate?
Lauren: Yep. Katy Katz coming to my rescue. Oh how that has changed.
Katy: Yes, I saved you once. So do me a favor and please come for more than one hour.
Lauren (half smiling): Fine. Just for you. But only if you promise we will watch almost famous and get coffee tomorrow. Like normal friends.
Katy: We are normal friends. (hugs lauren) I promise.
Lauren (laughs): I almost believe you. And let’s not have another ordeal like last time?
Katy (looking away from the mirror): There was no ordeal. I just had a nose bleed.
Lauren: For two hours?
Katy: It was hot.
Lauren: Okay well it doesn’t matter. We’ll have fun tonight, and then a girls day tomorrow. Deal?
Katy: Deal. But for tonight… (shakes her makeup bag and winks)
Katy puts a dark long sleeve shirt, dark jeans, black heals, and a thin white ribbon in her hair.  Lauren has on a white dress and heals with bright jewelry. They walk out the door, and Lauren accidentally leaves the light on. Katy goes back, turns the switch off, and closes the door. Scene cuts to the door to a frat party opening.
Frat leader: Katy! Lauren! Wonderful to see you two, as usual.
He goes up to hug them both. Katy embraces him and Lauren shrugs him off.  Katy is running around, laughing and talking to people, while Lauren is stumbling over things, and keeps staring at her cell phone clock.
She looks over and Katy is talking to josh. He slips something into her hand, and they both walk upstairs.
Lauren (to herself): Oh my god, Katy.
She tries to go get Katy, but a guy runs into her and spills a dark drink all over her white shirt.
Guy: Oh, I’m so sorry. Do you want me to help you take that off? (smiles)
Lauren (in disgust): Ugh. No. Please leave.
She goes into the bathroom and tries to get the stain off.
Lauren: Damnit. You know what, screw it. I’m leaving.
Lauren: Katy? (looks around for a while) Have you seen Katy? I want to leave?
Frat random: No, sorry.
Looks  for a while and then gives up.
Lauren begins to walk out the door. The same frat guy that talked to her in the beginning of the party approaches her.
Frat guy: Where are you going?
Lauren (annoyed): Home.
Frat Guy: Without Katy? You two are always together!
Lauren: Well I lost her this time. I’ll see you later.
Walks out the door.
Cuts to Lauren in bed asleep. Camera angled at the clock. It reads 2:02 am.
Lauren’s cell phone starts to ring, but she doesn’t wake up on the first call. The second time hears it, and looks at the number. It is Katy’s (camera shows this).
Lauren: (Sleepily) Hello. Katy?
There is a loud noise in the background, and she can barely hear.
Male Voice: Is this Lauren?
Lauren: Yes. Who the hell is this? (she sits up)
Male Voice: This is Josh. Listen you are the only person I could think of to call. Katy… well, she doesn’t look to great. I don’t know what she has been doing but she needs to get out of here.
Lauren: Is she okay? Hello?(panicked voice)
Male Voice: Just get down here.
He hangs up and only a dial tone is heard.
Lauren gets out of bed. Camera cuts to her driving from her dorm down the street to the Frat. She opens the door to loud music and people everywhere. She pushes her way through the crowd as people stare, and approaches Josh on the front steps.
Lauren: Have you seen Katy? I just got a call that she wasn’t doing well. Do you know what that is about?
Josh: Don’t worry about it.
Lauren: Excuse me?
Josh: I said don’t worry about it.
Lauren: I need to find her you asshole. Now you can tell me where she is right now or I can give you and ten of your buddies names to the cops. How does jail time sound Josh?
Josh (glaring and laughs): Whatever. She is in the bathroom. Upstairs to the right.
Lauren runs upstairs and the camera is angled behind her. She pounds on the bathroom door, with no answer. It is locked and she can’t open it.
Lauren: (turning around) Somebody fucking open this door now! Turns back to the door. Katy, I’m coming. (screaming) Somebody open this door now! Or I will have the cops tear this place apart.
Frat leader: Fine, fine. Stand back.
He knocks the door down. Katy is passed out on the floor with coke spilled next to her. There is blood running down her face and she is shaking. Lauren runs over.
Lauren: Somebody help me pick her up! I’m taking her to the hospital.
Cuts to Lauren in the car at a red light. She appears to have been crying.
Katy (slurring, weakly, quietly): Lauren, I need my white ribbon. My headband.
Lauren: Katy, that the least of things you should be worried about.
Katy: No, Lauren I really need it. Please.
Lauren: Katy, you have to stop. I can’t come rescue you every night.
Katy (slurring, weakly): Lauren, I’m fine.
Lauren: Oh god, no you’re not. Look at you.
Katy: No really…
Katy passes out. Scene cuts to Lauren speaking with a hospital receptionist.
Lauren: Hi, I’m Lauren Burks. I’m here to see Katherine Katz.
Nurse: Oh, yes. You brought her here right?
Lauren: Yeah.
Nurse: I’m glad you came, she has been lonely. You are the first one in.
Lauren (awkwardly): Oh. Really? A guy named josh didn’t stop by?
Nurse: Nope. Okay lets see. She is in room 405 down the hall.
Lauren walks down the hall and enters Katy’s room. The lights are extremely dim.
Lauren: I got your white ribbon for you. You were pretty panicked about it last night so I went back to get it this morning.
Katy: Oh, that’s okay. I don’t know why I wanted that. It looks better on you anyways. You can keep it.
Lauren: Sure.
Lauren: Hey, do you want me to turn on these lights? It’s dark in here.
Katy: No, no. I can’t take light right now. My eyes.
Katy (weakly): I thought you’d never come.
Lauren (laughs): Oh Jesus, Katy. I’ve been gone a total of 6 hours.
Katy: Yeah well it feels like 6 days. The place is a hell hole.
Lauren (laughs): No. Just think of it as a little sober vacation.
Katy: First of all, a sober vacation isn’t a vacation. And second of all, my vacations don’t usually involve condescending doctors and disgusting food.
Lauren: You cynicism never fails to amuse me Katy.
Lauren looks down.
Lauren: So… have you thought about what you are going to do when you get out of here?
Katy: Nope. They are trying to send me to this stupid rehab shit. They have to be kidding with that. It was just one bad night.
Lauren: Well. Maybe you could just try it. And in the meantime you can live with me.
Katy: I don’t need to try it Lauren. I’m fine.
Lauren: I know you are. But they might make you. And if you live with me I can keep you on track.
Katy looks away and laughs.
Katy: You know what I could really use?
Lauren: What?
Katy: I need my cell phone, some cash, and my car.
Lauren: Katy.
Katy (laughing): Come on Lauren. Lets just call this what it is. A bad situation.
Lauren: Katy you  almost died.
Katy: All the more reason to celebrate my life.
Lauren glares at her.
Katy: I’m kidding. But I think I’ll be fine on my own for now. I really could use some cash though. I’ll pay you back, I promise.
Lauren: With what?
Katy: I just will, okay?
Lauren sighs and looks around.
Katy: Can you call one of Josh’s friends and tell them I need a favor? I need to borrow his car. I really want to see him.
Lauren: Josh would have left you to die Katy. Why the hell do you want to talk to him?
Katy (laughs): Don’t be so dramatic.
Lauren: Katy, stay in tonight. What happened to our coffee and almost famous?
Katy: I know, I know. I just want to get everything off of my mind tonight. But tomorrow I promise (grabbing Lauren’s arm). We will have the best girls night ever. Tomorrow night.
Lauren: Yeah.
Katy: Now can you please call Josh for me?
Lauren (sighs) : Sure I’ll see what I can do.
Lauren walks out into the hall and starts to dial the number. She hangs up and thinks. She dials again, and a girl picks up.
Lauren (calmly): No, she’s fine. She can take care of herself. I’m leaving.
Lauren turns and walks down the hall. The further she gets the brighter the lighting gets. She walks opens the door to a bright light, and walks out.

Short Short Story
Photo Narrative
Flash Animation