
The Narrative unit allowed students to explore with crating a story and learning more about how to use tools like Adobe Illustrator and Pro Tools.


In English, we wrote a short story for the Narrative project. We learned how to develop a good story with Freytag’s Pyramid, including an exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, and a denouement, or resolution. We created our own characters and storyline and came up with an interesting story to read. My story is about a 16-year-old girl named Ruby, who has to deal with her annoying little brother.

Click here if you would like to read it! Click here to listen!

Album Art


We learned how to use Illustrator in Digital Media, and when everyone got the hang of it, we started on one of our assignments, which was to create an Exquisite Corpse, alongside two other people. The three of us came up with a color palette and agreed on where the connection points were. We each chose either the left, middle or right section – I picked the middle – and got to work. Another project that we did was to create one or more designs for something. There were a lot of options. I chose to design a mouse pad for my fist option, and design some stickers for my second.

Oswald Mouse Pad


In Digital Media, we made some experimental music using Pro Tools. I thought that was pretty fun. I have very little knowledge in how to make music, so it was fun to experiment with it. At first, I thought what I made sounded pretty good, but looking back, I think it’s a bit repetitive. At the time, I was listening to music from a game called Sally Face, so I decided to base my music off of that. We also experimented with making parody songs. I was half excited, half nervous about that. We chose a song we liked, and created new lyrics for a verse or two of the song. I liked coming up with new lyrics, but then we had to sing it. I like singing, but not in front of anyone.

Here is a mashup of songs that I made, and the Experimental Music:

Experimental Music Album Art


The Narrative project in Design was nothing like I’ve ever done before. We were told to create a creature based off of our main character from our short story. We picked five personality traits of our character and for each of those traits, we chose an animal that went with it. For example, if the character was graceful, the animal that went with that might be a deer. So for my character, the five personality traits I chose were: passionate, confident, attention-seeking, a leader, and creative. And I matched them with five animals: a praying mantis, tiger, peacock, orca, and a crocodile. Then we had to take parts of the animals and combine them to make a whole new creature and give it a name. I named mine a “Tigodock Mantica” We chose a color palette for our creature, that also matched our main character, and created a background based off of a scene in our story where our creature could live. I put my creature in a fish tank in my character’s bedroom. We also practiced using lighting in our photos to capture a scene from our stories.

Narrative Creature
Narrative Character Portrait