
Hello, my name is Lucie Raynaud and I am a senior film student at Freestyle and Mountain View High School. I love filmmaking especially composition, special effects makeup and I am interested in production design. Next year I am going to be attending Loyola Marymount University as a Film and Television Production major. I hope to eventually work in the film industry or make independent films.

Showcase Video

My showcase video is a film I made at the beginning of my senior year for my college applications. I worked very hard on making this project the best it could be with the acting, makeup, and most importantly, the story. I wanted to visually explore the mental disorder called “facial dysmorphia.” I did this project on my own and I learned a lot on how to direct actors and get the emotional response from an audience.


Over the past two years I have done so much and gained such valuable experience in many different places. I learned about story structure, cinematography and even the pitching aspect of filmmaking. All of this has made me fall in love with filmmaking and want to pursue it in the future.

At the end of my junior year for my Explorations project I was able to experiment with special effects makeup. Before this I was most interested in cinematography, but this project made me realize how much I love the production design aspect of film. I was able to put my skills to good use this year during our Senior Narrative project. A lot of my peers and I are interested in darker films so they needed help making realistic wounds and even some zombies. This has by far been my favorite thing I have done with film so far which is why I wanted to feature it in my reel.