

Hi, welcome to my portfolio and I will be sharing my projects outside of Freestyle and some projects inside of Freestyle.


I decided to make my own manga because I love reading it. I made a spinoff of the the very popular manga/anime “One Piece”. I have been watching this show for way too long and have loved every second of it. Because it is so long, I read the manga to speed up the extremely long anime.

Group Animation Project

This was our group animation project from our junior year. This project was super fun, and it was so cool to get different perspectives from my peers. We used all of our strengths and tried our best to make the animation as good as possible. The animation idea was based off of a dream I had. I got swallowed by a huge whale and went into a city that was lit up by ocean florescent lights. The colors varied from green, blue, orange, and purple. There were fish swimming in and out of houses that were all lit up by the same colors. The group took a spin of the idea and made it simpler, and I am really happy with how the animation turned out.

My Own Creation

This is a creation of my interest in the gym as well as some childhood nostalgia. I have been hitting the gym recently and have had so much fun doing it. It is a great way to better myself and release stress (it’s also just fun to lift heavy things); hence why the background is a gym. On the right there is one of my role models Chris Bumstead, he won Mr. Olympia in men’s classic physique. There is also Liver King on the left, he is known for eating lots of raw meat like liver and bone marrow. He is a clown of the internet who is the absolute extreme of fitness. Finally we have the Ninja Turtles in the back, they played a crucial role in my childhood, I loved watching all the movies and playing all the games growing up. Without further a due, here is the piece.