Narrative 2 (Before After)


leviaca leviaca done

I designed a deep sea monster because I think the ocean is interesting, especially the deep sea. I like the bioluminescence of the creatures there, so I made sure to put that in this piece. The Leviaca is heavily inspired by creatures such as eels and oarfish as well as mythological creatures like the leviathan and the lusca.


triolibay 1 triolibay 2

This is the second companion piece to the Leviaca that I did. It was mainly inspired by various types of oceanic rays and trilobites, so that’s how it got its name. It was made in a similar way to the Leviaca, I got inspiration from photos and then combined the features I liked the most into a single creature. The most challenging part is trying to find a balance between interesting features and making the creature look like it could theoretically exist in an ocean environment.