
As the end of the school year approaches, we were challenged with taking a picture of an exit, so I decided to take a picture of an exit I passed though for 7 years of my life. Though the straight was covered with ivy when I was in the school, most of it had been cut away. Despite that, I […]


For this prompt I used the geometry of the benches at my elementary school. I found it interesting because they were at different heights and had slightly different textures, they looked like they were different shades even though they were all made out of the same metal.

Tell a Lie

The “tell a lie” prompt was hard at first. I was thinking, the camera is the one thing that doesn’t tell a lie, but after doing some research I realized that it is actually pretty easy to lie with a camera. Depending on what you choose to show, the angle, and adding things can all make you create a story […]


For this week, we were tasked with using angles in our photography. Originally I was just going to used angles to take a picture of a tree, but I found this crow in the tree right next to me, so I decide to take a picture of it instead. I had to edit the photo so that both the crow […]


Why trying to figure out where I should go to a take a picture of a stranger, I noticed a bird digging holes in the mulch of a park. Though I was not fast enough to get a picture, I realized the prompt “tell the story of a stranger” was quite vague. The prompt never specified I had to actually […]


To me serenity is the feeling of total stillness. The calm that seeps in when you are truly in the present moment. The second that you are so engrossed in it seems to last for minutes. I decided to take a picture of the water droplets sticking to some grass because they seemed to embody serenity. They stay so still […]

Rule of Odds

For this challenge, we had to use the “rule of odds” which states that it is often better to have an odd number of objects, instead of an even number of objects, in a photo. I now understand why ever cartoon depicting a bird’s nest always has three eggs, because it tends to look better and feel more balanced. To […]


The prompt for this photo was to show aging. It just so happens that it was my grandmother’s birthday, so I decided to take a photo while we were cutting the cake.