
The Zenith Project makes up the last 3 months of our time in Freestyle and high school.

The process is outlined below:

  • Choose your own project topic and form based on your passion, skills, and experiences.
  • Use the research process and writing to explore, plan, and reflect on your project in a 5-7 page research paper and reflective post-project addendum.
  • Write a proposal for staff approval, including:
    • Your own timeline of achievement goals (including scheduling and incremental deadlines)
    • How you will use at least all eight Freestyle 21st Century Skills to develop your project
    • A plan for assessment
  • Present a Design proposal relevant to your project
  • Create a Design production related to your Zenith Project
  • Follow your timeline and produce the media for your project in Film and Digital Media class. You will still attend English and Design classes as usual.
  • Present your Zenith Project informally to all students including Juniors in early May