About Me

My name is Olivia Bocchieri. I am currently a senior in high school and planning on pursuing Film in the future. My core values in life is to always stay positive and help others around me. I think it is also good to balance time for yourself as well as time to spend doing everything else.

Outside of school, I like to hang out with my dog, watch TV shows, and spend time outdoors. I am very active in the theatre program at Mountain View High, auditioning for the shows whenever possible. I enjoy spending time with friends by going out to eat or going to the movies. I am always trying to find new colors to color my hair.

This year I expect to continue to improve on my test anxiety and be able to manage my time. I want to work on balancing my time commitment between school and extra-curricular activities so I don’t find myself over scheduled and over stressed. I am going to try to minimize distractions and stay focused on each task. I am exited to be apart of the Freestyle program and improving my skills as a film maker. I also want to work on making new friends both on the Freestyle campus as well as on the Mountain View High campus.