
Welcome to my experimental website!!!! This website is a fully represents freedom of idea and of choice. This unit represented the option of creating and representing abstract art. Within this project and throughout this website you will see the amount of experimental art that has been made. I liked this unit a lot because there was not something that was just right or wrong you could do whatever you felt like. This made it convenient because if I felt it would represent better I could do it. I feel that my final project really represented what i feel and how I chose to represent my core concept.

What did I Learn?

For this project I learned more advanced concepts in Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

Along with the electronic skills, I learned how to write poetry. Before this project I had only a small appreciation for poetry. Mostly that was because poetry never made sense to me. Within this unit I was able to not only understand it but I was able to write it. In design I was able to learn how to use fine art skills to create art. I used water colors , acrylic paint, pastels and much more.

Feel free to explore this website you can click on the tab or scroll to see my music, art, animation and more.


Welcome to my animation page!!!! Here you will find my poem animation, this animation is a visual of my poem called "pot and some soil." This animation is entitled seeds and I am quite proud becasue it represents a lot of hard and long hours of work. This poem has been visually brought to life in the form of an animation. Throughout my animation you will audibly hear me read my animation. The program that I build my animation with is called Flash. Flash allows people to create a animation, I, and many others have a distaste for it because it is a known program to crash, however with hard work and dedication it was completed.

To Watch the video Press on the image below.















The poems here are like any freestyle project in that it began in english. in english we were given a core concept that has been applied to all areas of freestyle. My core concept is “exploring the feeling of jealousy resulting from the desire to rebel.” So the point of writing poems was an exercise to grow us and try to help us grow as writers and in our skills in writing with a more image driven theme. Now, we were not given this task without having the help of revolutionary poetry experts. We read many excerpts from the beat book, which was a book that had very revolutionary poetry that arguable changed this world. The chosen experts helped us open our eyes to free verse poetry. After we had read plenty of good poetry, it was our turn to write poetry. Here you will see the poems that I have made, but a little spiced up to show my artistic abilities. I hope you enjoy exploring my free verse poems!!!!


Click on the thumbnail below to see my poems. Enjoy!!







Hello and welcome to my music page. Within this music page you will hear my music that I built in Reason. Reason is an audio program that allows users to build music. Like any other freestyle project this project was related to my core concept. My Core concept is "exploring the feeling of jealousy resulting from the desire to rebel". The way I did this was to create a happy tune to show the happiness that people can have even though this is a hard world. I show the feeling of jealousy using a really wired dub-step sounding middle area to show the feeling of jealousy.

With in reason We learned a lot of skills.We learned Re-drum which allows the user to play a key board and make it sound like a drum. We also learned how to use a corus which allows one to take a small clip of sound an reuse it.

Below is an image of reason!

To hear and or to control my music click on the music bar below.





Welcome to my Art Page!! Here you will find art that I have created over the course of this unit. This piece to the left is my art that I created was related to my core concept. With this assignment my concept was “exploring the feeling of jealousy resulting from the desire to rebel.” Within this design project I was challenged with using multiple mediums to convey that. The mediums are, Photography, colored pencils, and Adobe Illustrator. Additionally we were also given the challenge of creating abstract art that should instigate a deep analysis to uncover its meaning. We were also tasked with being like a professional artist who does not create something amazing per say but invents a great Idea.

Below is my artist statement that can also be found at the Freestyle Exhibition.

Artist Statement:

My core concept is exploring the feeling of jealousy resulting from the desire to rebel. This piece is related to my poem called “Arms in a Cage,” which explores the idea of two personalities that are held captive in a cage. The first personality has flowy arms that are able to extend themselves beyond the cage, showing rebellion. The other personality, witnessing this rebellion holds a greenish fog to show envy as it can’t rebel. This piece parallels that idea. Rather than using literal cages to contain the personalities, I created two eyes with colored pencils in order to provoke a more organic and relatable feeling. The eyes are important to this piece because they yield the ability to see rebellion and are symbolic for perception. The left eye longs to be rebellious, but it lacks the skill necessary to do so. On the other hand, the right eye has long extended arms that reach outside the confinement of the cage, thus symbolizing rebellion. I made them using light art, which is a form of photography where a long exposure is used to capture a light trail. After this, I used Adobe Photoshop to manipulate the light into the form of hands. The lightning arms seen in the left eye are based on an image of a branch and they represent anger. The left eye’s anger originates from its inability to rebel causing it to be jealous.