Story Telling: Warmth

This weeks photo blog challenge was to tell a story that makes people feel warm inside. This place in Mountain View has this public art on display outside it’s City Hall. This is something that has been there for as long as I can remember. I’ve pretty much grown up seeing it hundreds of times.… Continue reading Story Telling: Warmth

Symmetry Landscape

In this photoblog, I captured a landscape view with the sunset in the background. This picture was taken pretty high up in the hills so it appears like there’s an ocean in the background, but in reality it’s just the clouds.

Inspiration – Mood

In this picture I was in a car in San Francisco. In the photo it is clear to see that there is a slow shutter speed which resulted in having the image looking a little smeared and blurry . The photo demonstrates my mood today because recently I’ve felt like I’m zooming past my life… Continue reading Inspiration – Mood

Categorized as Inspiration

Rule of Thirds – Motion

This picture shows motion rule of thirds. Here we see a train moving on the left side of the screen. This picture was taken on top of a bridge that goes over the train as you can see. I waited 30 minutes for the train to pass by in order to take this shoot.

Categorized as Composition


This picture is a my self portrait because it shows a lot of things going on. We can see that there is lots of art on this wall inside a tunnel. This artwork requires lots of creativity and open mind. I think that very well describes me as I am a very creative person who… Continue reading Self-Portrait