Narrative Website

Welcome to my second narrative website! During my third quarter here at Freestyle Academy, I ventured into the world of story telling and humor, and explored each subject thoroughly in all of my classes.

In English, we studied the formatting of screenplays and use of absurd humor (absurdism) to better understand how stories' meanings can be metaphorical, as in Ionesco's Rhinoceros. We then created our own short stories, and told the scene, or sequence of events, from three different perspectives.

Mr. Flo introduced us to Adobe After Effects in WebAudio, which is a more complex version of Adobe Flash. We animated the story (from one perspective) that we created in English. As you can see, all of the final projects from each class are displayed on this newest website.

In Design Ms. P challenged us to create a book jacket for our story. We also created our own surrealist photos and humor pieces, which you can read more about on the 'design' page.

Thanks for visiting and feel free to click through the rest of this website to see how these projects turned out!
