About this Podcast

Burnt Popcorn is a podcast that reviews animated films and discusses the character and world-building in the films.

Podcaster Bio

Sara Loveridge is a senior at Mountain View High School. She also attends Freestyle Academy as an animation student and is currently studying 3D animation. Sara has been fond of animation from a young age and hopes to one day have a career in character animation.


With increasing popularity and demand, podcasts are an easily accessible media that’s also very powerful. In our English classes, we learned what makes an effective podcast and were allowed to make a podcast of our own choice of topic. A lot of my inspiration came from review videos on YouTube actually. Creators like Cellspex or Schaffrillas Productions especially inspired me to focus more on the storyline and the characters themselves in the film.


A picture of burnt popcorn open in Adobe Illustrator
Thumbnail process in Illustrator
Editing audio in Pro Tools
A window open in After Effects
Editing audio in After Effects


This Podcast Project really forced me to try new media that I’ve never really indulged in before. Not only having to create my own podcast, but listening to other podcasts as well, it was all quite a new experience for me. Creating a script was difficult since I didn’t know where to start or really where to end, I wanted to cover so many topics, but with so little time I had to cut a lot short.