
Who Inspires You

A photo of many calling scripts laid out on one another

This wasn’t easy for me to figure out at first. Honestly, I don’t have someone who truly inspires me. No one who’s picture I look at to make me run harder, no one who I think, “that’s who I want to be someday.” I could have chosen my mom or dad, some of the best people in my life, but I decided instead to choose a teacher I have. I realized that he is who I want to be when I grow up, someone inspiring, dedicated, and good at his job. I chose a photo that represents Myles Rowland, the theater manager at Los Altos High School.

Now, why him? And how does this represent him? Well, Mr.Rowland is basically the teacher for the tech crew for Broken Box. He taught me everything I know about stage managing. He’s super amazing at what he does, coming up with easy solutions to complex problems in a snap, making amazing lighting design, and basically coming up with the entirety of the set for It’s a Wonderful Life. I didn’t just want to take a picture of him, so instead I took a picture of my old a scripts. A picture of his legacy. He taught me how to create a proper calling script and how to call a show, so I see all my scripts as part of his doing. Every day I want to be able to come up with lighting or set design as good as his, or be able to program lights as fast as he does. He’s a true inspiration.