Author Archives: teganp

This group of friends I consider to be family. There are some people that no matter how far they live or how often you speak with them, you know you can rely on them no matter what. I know that these people will still be close with me far into the future.

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This old photograph was taken of my grandfather and his family (he is the youngest one). I look up to my grandfather in many ways, but his story during the holocaust has to be one of the most inspirational ones I’ve heard. His experiences have taught me that even in the darkest times, there are always going to be people you can rely on for help and kindness.

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I was struggling to come up with ideas of what to fill the frame with, until I realized how decorated my room is. The things hung up don’t just make me who I am, but they fill up a lot of my wall space. This photo is of just a corner of my room (one of my favorites because of the guitars)

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This photo is of me on the left side of the frame, tilting my head towards the empty blank space to the right. I wanted to capture a feeling of claustrophobia, and the emotions numbness of feeling trapped. A tired, blank expression and thick rope around me, was used to strengthen this message.

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This photo was taken in my kitchen through the reflection of my windows at night. I liked that because it was dark outside and well lit in my kitchen, you could see the reflection of people. This was supposed to represent a quick moment in time through a window reflection.

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This photo of my dog is aligned so that his face is in the center of the frame and is symmetrical. When taking this photo I imagined an invisible line cutting through the center of his face, this helped me frame it symmetrically.

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I chose to take a photo of the miniature Eiffel Tower in my living room because of my french background. We collected this mini tower when we visited France with my grandpa who was born and raised there, so it has a lot of meaning to my family.

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I chose this photo since there is an abundance of different shapes and textures in it. The straight concrete wall serves as a horizon line, with pointy trees above, and then soft clouds. I like the contrast in this scene and how the person in the middle stands out because of all the shapes.

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I chose this photo because it represents breaking down a wall and creating an exit. Instead of leaving one room, you are just entering a new one with new possibilities.

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I was lucky enough to capture a photo of some flowers on the side of a street. This year’s spring was a super bloom season and the flowers were very colorful.

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