Author Archives: teganp

I don’t this photo is necessarily telling a lie, but it is putting up a facade. With fake paper lips and paper face and real lipstick, the photo is quite unsettling.

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I think the way the subject is placed in the middle of the frame and is looking in the distance, helps us look further out to the horizon since everything is pointed in that direction.

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A simple blur effect and this portrait displays a stranger with no face. I like this specific blur because it seems like it’s in motion but the rest of the photo is still.

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When I think of serenity and what it means to me, I think about setting time aside every day to play instruments or listen to music. It’s one of the most peaceful activities for me.

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I really like how the kite is moving in the direction of the empty sky and how it stands out from the light background.

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Using only shadows against a white wall, I wanted to visually show something interesting.

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This photo reminds me of a new beginning simply because of the expression on the subjects face. She looks amazed but also curious towards something we don’t know about yet. Personally, this reminds me of what it feels like accept change and embrace those surprising but beautiful moments.

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This photo is very mysterious because the person who is putting on the make up is unknown. No face to match to the subject, which leaves us wondering and questioning who it is.

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The photo is a candid of someone offering something to another person

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