Xavier Haberalch


When brainstorming a idea for zenith we remembered the mockumentary unit from last year that we did not get to participate in. Collectively as a group we decided that we wanted to make it on some sort of creature like aliens or bigfoot and we eventually decided on bigfoot. Although we did write a script for this project most of the acting was improvised. Overall I had A lot of fun making this project.

Final Product

Zenith Film


The idea for this project came when the zenith project was pitched to us and 3 of the 4 group members had not done the documentary unit meaning that we missed out on the mockumentary part of the project which looked like a lot of fun. So we decided to make a documentary about our favorite fictional creature Bigfoot.
The research we used for this project was a lot of videos about bigfoot and a couple of documentaries that we could base our project off of. The different interviews and the stylistic choices that we used. We also watched a lot of mockumentaries to see what we could put in that would make our mockumentary funnier.
Me and three other film students collaborated on this project together. We also worked with one other student from Mountain View High School. We worked together directing each other and bouncing ideas off each other. It was hard to schedule around each other and finding days that would work for all of us so that was one bump in the road that we had to get over.
One 21st century skill that I improved on is civil and social responsibility taking the lead in scheduling and what days we should do what and where each part of the project would be set. Getting actors and bringing camera equipment. One skill that I need to work on is responsibility for myself making sure I’m also working hard alongside the other members of the team.
I believe the skills that I learned while working on this project will be incredibly important as I progress through life. Time management and resourcefulness are two very important skills that I learned while working on this project.
I was very passionate about this project and seeing it come to fruition was a dream come true. I believe this is the best work that I have presented during my short time at freestyle and I think that it sums up my personality well. I believe while making this project my camera skills and understanding of lighting were improved tenfold.
If I were to do this project again there would be a few things that I would change. I would have gone into the forest with more of a plan and an idea of what we were going to do and where. I also would have scripted the interviews so that they moved throughout the film fluidly. I wished that we had started filming earlier so that we did not go down to the wire on our filming and editing till the last day.

Reflection Recording Album Art