Modern Convenience (APR)

1/60, f1.6, ISO-200

Growing up, “no juice whatsoever” was a strict rule that was forced within my household. My parents weren’t the biggest fan of washing breakfasts down with orange juice or apple, as the 40 grams of sugar per serving wasn’t their biggest selling point. This devastated kid Yhali, the repetition of water and its bland flavor led me to believe that I was headed for a life of monotonous drinking habits, where the only time I would experience the sweet sensation of juice would be at the houses of friends. However, all of this changed when my father introduced Kombucha and La Croix to our fridge right at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, permanently altering the Sheba beverage game for eternity. Although I wasn’t the biggest fan at first, those two beverages quickly took the place of water in my diet. Today, I can’t go a day without a fresh and cold Kombucha or La Croix, and their presence in my life even inspired my Zenith project, The Moods. So, to all the parents out there, let your kids drink juice, even in moderation, as you never know the impact it may have.